
Cookin' Wright is a compilation of my favorite not so extravagant recipes that taste delicious for everyday use. Nothing fancy here...just the good stuff!

Hi, I am Bristal Wright hence the URL cookinwright.blogspot.  I recently was married to this man, Andrew; he is my everything! I couldn't have found a man that is more of a gentleman than him.
May 2013

Ever since I got married I have discovered that I love
to cook! Now I am not too much of a picky eater but I don't tend to cook things with a lot of ingredients or recipes that are too fancy (side note: I love Kraft Mac n' Cheese & Top Ramen). That is why I decided to write this blog, to compile my favorite recipes for every day use. Sometimes we just need a reminder of the yummy simple goodness out there. Don't get me wrong though, since I love cooking I might throw in a recipe that isn't the simplest but challenge brings growth. Most of my recipes I find like the rest of you, through other food blogs or Pintrest, but hopefully I can make it easier to access the good ones from one spot...Cookin' Wright!


I graduated from BYU in Exercise Wellness & minored in Business Management. I love dancing, date nights, chick flicks, vacations, when my workouts are over & PIZZA! Andrew and I are both the youngest so we have gotten use to being spoiled; we both always want to be the "Wright" one:).  We love our families and are grateful for them in our lives. We look forward to the day of being parents ourselves.  

July 2013
I hope you enjoy this blog and that your cooking lives 
become easier and better tasting


  1. CUTE! I discovered I loved to cook to when I got married, now it's just when I'm in the mood :) can't wait to try out your recipes though!!

    1. Thanks! Ha ha I know, I hope I don't get sick of cooking soon:)
